STYLE: Comfortable clothing that will allow easy movement. Tutus and non restrictive/soft costumes are welcome.
COLOUR: No colour restrictions.
Dance Kingdom tutu or Bom Funk branded items available.
HAIR: Tidy & off face
Baby Bees®/Beetle Bop®: Bare feet, socks or fitted pink ballet shoes (girls).
~For performances - Bare feet or fitted pink ballet shoes (girls).
Ballet Bunnies®: Fitted Pink Ballet shoes. Boys: Fitted black ballet shoes.
Hiphop-o-potamus®: Inside-only sneakers or High tops for class use only. No white soles allowed in studio 2 at Qbn.
~For performances - All-Black sneakers (black soles & black laces).
Rhythm Rhinos®: Black tap shoes (available from Bloch or Attitude Australia).
Pom Pandas®: All-white sneakers & white crew length socks (school socks/mid calf)
Tumble Tigers®: Bare feet